Our Genres

Jazz Contemporary Lyrical Heels Hip Hop Musical Theatre

Our Timetable

Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm

Corps de Burlesque Studio
Level 1, 89 Fitzherbert Avenue
Palmerston North Central
Palmerston North 4410


Our Team

  • Taryn


    At the beginning of 2021, Taryn started up the classes. Well known as ‘Taz’ in the Manawatu dance community, we were originally called ‘Dance with Taz’. In 2022 she moved overseas to live out her dance dreams and passed ‘Dance with Taz’ over to Sophie to build and grow the wonderful community Taryn had created.

  • Sophie


    Sophie joined as a student in 2021 and a year later, in 2022, she stepped up to teach the classes when Taryn headed overseas. In 2023, Sophie took the wheel and we rebranded to Déjà Dance. She’s a Software Developer by day but absolutely loves being able to continue dancing through teaching and choreographing at Déjà Dance.

Our Classes

Here is a preview of what we’ve covered in recent classes, although, be sure to check our Facebook and Instagram page for the latest updates about our upcoming classes.